Message From Labour Party on Hustings and Voting (6 Nov 2023)
You are invited to a hustings meeting where the candidates will speak and answer questions and you will be able to cast your vote. The meeting will be held at 11 AM on Saturday 18 November at Guiseley Theatre, The Green, Guiseley, LS20 9BT and doors will be open from 10 AM.
Please ensure you arrive in good time, as anyone arriving after the first candidate has started to speak will not be able to vote. You will need to remain for the whole of the selection meeting to be eligible to vote. You must bring with you your current party membership card, or other proof of identity.
Accessibility for anyone with mobility restrictions is via a domestic stair chair lift. If any member is unable to use a stair lift or has accessibility concerns, please contact Procedures Secretary, John Garvani at jgarvani@gmail.com. Toilets are on the ground floor so anyone requiring the stair lift will also have to use this to access the toilets.
The candidates will be asked a series of questions after their speeches. These questions should be submitted by members of the CLP. Please send your questions to the NEC Representative, Steve Jennings on jennings.steveh@gmail.com.
The ballot will be by alternative (preferential) vote, with the votes of the bottom candidate after each count being redistributed according to expressed preferences. You cannot harm your preferred candidate by indicating lower preferences, and in a tight final round the redistributed lower preferences may well determine the result.
The count will be held immediately following the hustings meeting and the result announced following completion of the count.
Online vote
If you are not able to attend the hustings in person you can apply for an online vote here
To vote online you will need to have filled in your details using the link above, giving the reason why you cannot attend the hustings no later than 9pm on Friday 10 November.
The online ballot will be emailed to you on Monday 10 November and must be returned no later than 9pm on Wednesday 15 November.
To vote in this hustings your membership must be up to date. You must have joined on or before Thursday 13 April 2023 and be fully paid up - you can pay your arrears before the hustings date.
You can check your membership status here: https://hub.labour.org.uk/hub or contact the membership team at labourmembership@labour.org.uk or call us on 0345 092 2299.